Before you ask, yes, the obvious loophole is closed if you and a clone are on the same target, it stops mirroring attacks, making it a DPS loss to use it in non-multitarget situations. Your clones will autoattack, and mirror all your rotational abilities (no talents). For three-target fights, you can summon a second clone, and all three of you do 45% damage for a total of 135% damage. While the clone is out, you do 60% of your normal damage, but your clone does the same damage to its target, for a total of 120% damage. The ability works like this: when you use it, a clone of you appears and attacks the current target. It has its place for undergeared tanks pushing progression, but as a general rule, you'll want to stick to hit/expertise capping, then focus on haste/crit for more Gift of the Ox/Elusive Brew procs. However, I'm still not a fan of stacking mastery for brewmasters gaining additional stagger means you have to purify more to get any damage reduction, which sucks away chi from shuffle uptime. Yes, mastery's effectiveness was increased by 25% for 5.2. Other than that and using your healing talent/CC talent of choice, things stay mostly the same. This new CC-clearing ability is designed for PvP, but has situational use in PvE, so keep it in mind for encounters that might stun, root, or fear you. About the only thing you need to do is put Nimble Brew on your bars. In general, I think either RoP or Leg Sweep will still be your go-to talents for AoE damage reduction.īrewmasters are already pretty well off, so their changes are the least extensive of the three specs. The ability stil has the same pluses and minuses good for a quick ranged stun/interrupt, tough to aim in a pinch. Last but not least, Charging Ox Wave's cooldown was dropped to 30 seconds. There's a pretty good tradeoff here with Leg Sweep you either get 8 seconds of reduced damage and 3 seconds of no casting, or 5 seconds of no damage/casting at all on a slightly longer cooldown.

RoP has a 45 second cooldown, is cast on any friendly player (though you'll use it on the tank, mostly) and causes all enemies within 8 yards to be disarmed for 8 seconds and silenced for 3. Deadly Reach's effect has been permanently added into Paralysis, and a new talent has been added Ring of Peace. Remember how good Leg Sweep was? Well, it's still that good, but the other options have been buffed as well to give you a little more of a choice. Zen Sphere is interesting, but it took a massive nerf (62%) which makes it not very desirable at first glance.Second, take a look at the level 60 tier of talents. The actual strength of the heals are still being tweaked, but given this new model, I expect Brewmasters to continue to go for Chi Wave Chi Burst to be decent for Mistweavers needing to raid heal and Windwalkers to go "meh," since they'll want the GCD's for damaging abilities. All of them have been redesigned from the "uses chi and no-cooldown" model to "free with cooldown" model, so the only cost to using your self-heals now is one global cooldown.

#Wow leg sweep Patch
When you first log in for patch 5.2, take a look at your healing talents. Keep in mind that this is still PTR content, so things change on a day-by-day basis a hotfix tomorrow might invalidate every conclusion I make today. This week, we'll take a spec-by-spec look at what you can expect to change for PvE content, and draw some tentative conclusions as to what abilities and stats you'll be using and not using. In my last column, I explored how monks (well, windwalkers and mistweavers) are dramatically changing in terms of PvP. Interested in trying out the new monk class, but can't tell your Tiger Strikes from your Tiger Palms? Written by Chase Hasbrouck of World of Monkcraft, WoW Insider's new monk coverage will get you kicking in no time!